
Showing posts from 2019

today is the date

today i decided to continue writing in this blog again.. I believe life must be happen with a lot of activities. Even I am writing this when I am having Singapore Mee Siam (noodles) in Toast Box at subang empire, Subang Jaya, Malaysia.   okay if you ask about this food review. if you like Indian spicy foods then your tunge can't take it. it's kinda sour and sweet. oh ya, I am on lunch break now. sorry forgot to mention that also.  I don't know why.. but always in my mind some thoughts are flying like a cloud. so i want to share those thoughts. but before that need to write it down somewhere.. so this is the reason I am continuing now onwards.  see u in my next post. ciao #amialif #practicehouse #positivevibes #bloggin #toastbox #subangempire